Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The 50th is called "The Day of the Doctor' and Smith's new wig for the Christmas Special

The BBC has finally confirmed the title for Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Special, which will air -simultaneously- across the globe on November 23. Called The Day of The Doctor, the story will see the return of David Tennant as the tenth Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose. John Hurt also guest stars as some unknown version of the Doctor -somewhere between his 8th and 9th regeneration (or is Hurt really the 9th Doctor, with Eccelston, Tennant and Smith being shuffled down by one slot?).

Whether BBC America will air the other programming associated with Doctor Who is unknown, though they do plan to air An Adventure In Space and Time, a special 90 minute TV movie about the creation of the series that stars David Bradley, of the Harry Potter films, as William Hartnell – who was the first Doctor in 1963.

It's also possible BBC America will air (beyond current episodes of Doctor Who) An Unearthly Child, the series original premier serial, which the BBC is re-airing in November. This will be a restored version of the 4 episode debut, not previously broadcast in the UK (as well as the US).

Meanwhile, production has begun on the Christmas episode, which will see the end of Matt Smith's tenure as the Doctor and will pave the way for Peter Capaldi's Doctor (though the BBC says that the 8th season will not begin until August of 2014). Much like The Day of the Doctor, not much is known about this episode, though the Cybermen appear to be involved. As has happened over the last few years, this holiday special is expected to air here on BBC America on Christmas Day.