The BBC, ever a cheeky group of
commitmentphobes when it comes to announcing transmission dates of their shows,
has broken with tradition and confirmed, yes confirmed, that the traditional Doctor Who Special will air on
Christmas Day –though no official start time was announced. Imagine that. The
episode –which is rumored to be called The
Snowman- will introduce new full-time co-star Jenna-Louise Coleman to the
franchise and is set (again) in Victorian times. Feature actor Richard E. Grant
will guest star along with returning actors Neve McIntosh, Catrin Stewart and
Dan Starkey reprising their roles of Vastra, Jenny and Strax respectively from
last year’s episode, A Good Man Goes to
War. Expectations are that for us folks here in the US, the special will
also air on Christmas Day, via BBCAmerica. Meanwhile, when fantasy author Neil
Gaiman accepted his Hugo in September for his script The Doctor’s Wife, he mentioned he was penning another episode.
What was not known then was if that episode would be part of season seven or
part of season eight –and based on how The
Doctor’s Wife was originally part of season five but got pushed to season
six for scheduling and budgetary reasons, one could understand why we’ve held
our breath. Now it’s been confirmed that his script will be the penultimate
episode of season seven. As of now, this is the line-up for writers for the
back 8 of Doctor Who’s seventh
season: Episode 6: Steven Moffat,
Episode 7: Neil Cross, Episode 8: Mark Gatiss, Episode 9: Neil Cross, Episode
10: Stephen Tomkinson, Episode 11: Mark Gatiss, Episode 12: Neil Gaiman, and
Episode 13: Steven Moffat. The line-up more or less confirms that rest of the
season will be stand-alone stories that made up the first five, though it’s
obvious Moffat will probably have some sort of vague, probably frustrating, arc
thread through the rest of the season.
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